I went out to Dessert Oasis tonight with some friends. It's always amazing the unique designs in the drinks there. Tonight's hot chocolate was particularly stunning with a dragon on top! It's almost a shame to drink it!
Monday, May 28, 2012
The kids holding the toad for the last time before sending him on his way.
Watching the Memorial Day parade!
Sunday, May 27, 2012
The tree house is starting to take shape!
Daddy and Grandpa L set the posts and got the platform edge in today!
Jason and Sophie reading with Grandma while they wait for dinner.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Happy 4th Birthday Benny!
Jason and Sophie really had a lot of fun with cousin Laura...
playing soccer and just playing around.
The kids all loved the pinata, despite the fact that it looked like we were hanging a child size Spiderman from the tree.
When it came down to it, Uncle Mikhail had to step in take him down.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Grandpa Bob came over and helped us build some carwash sprinklers!
Sophie helped out, too!
The kids love them!
We built three for $26! It was incredibly easy, too!
If you want to build your own, follow the directions at Instructables.
Sophie loves her new sandbox... and filling it with water.
Jason getting the mail on his own!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
The lovely flowers on the porch.
You can see my cute Mother's Day gifts, the rock turtle and penguin from Jason and Sophie.
What's better than fudgsicles on a hot day?
Our dragon gardens have been replanted for the summer.