Sophie finally was well enough to find her basket the next day!
And Jason discovered how the window crayons work!
Our neighbor made Jason a bottle of sunshine when he was sick. Just a bottle filled with gold glitter and water, but Jason loved it!
Yes, please do play on the dirt pile!
Daddy's little helper. She doesn't even know she's making her own birthday present!
This is our third year dyeing eggs with natural dyes. I love knowing that if an egg cracks in the process, the worst thing that is getting on the egg is a little beet or cabbage juice. Usually the kids are all about making the dyes with me, but this year Jason is a little under the weather on dyeing day. I decided to only make four dyes: red cabbage, beets, tumeric, and spirulina. I haven't tried spirulina for dyeing before, but it turns smoothies such a bright green, I figured I'd see what it does to eggs.
The tumeric (yellow), beets (pink, and cabbage (blue), turned out well, but the spirulina (green, well, eggs that are still brown and white really) did not take. We'll have to try a different green next year.
This is the first year the kids are getting chocolate bunnies. They saw them in the store a couple of weeks ago, so I knew it was a must. I used grain-sweetened chocolate, and a mold I found online. Jason wanted one holding a carrot! It was much easier than I thought it would be, considering I've never molded chocolates before. Just melt the chocolate, put it in the mold, stick in the freezer, and pop it out when it's hard!
I think it turned out well! I didn't get a good pic of it in the package I put it in as I was trying to keep them hidden from the kids, while making them in the middle of the day.
The best guinea pig ever award goes to Kitty the guinea pig. She lets Sophie do everything to her, within reason. Sophie is feeling Kitty's hair between her fingers here.
"Buckle in. I'll be right back..."
A few weeks ago, the kids and I picked out seeds for this year's garden, and ordered them. I had yet to plant them due to lack of space to plant them in. And I was not looking forward to putting up grow lights in my basement and using all the electricity on them. After cleaning out a few bins of hand-me-down clothes for my kids, I had an idea...
...turn this storage bin into a greenhouse!
I happened to have two 96 quart storage containers empty in my basement, so I used those. Turn them upside down, so the lid is the bottom of the greenhouse.
And I had been saving paper egg cartons, for a while, to plant in. First, I broke my cartons apart.
Then, I enlisted some help filling the bottom half of the egg cartons with dirt.
And I had pterosaurs flying by to protect me from predators.
Next, we planted the seeds and labeled the cartons appropriately.
My little helper watered them.
Then, snap the lids on and I have two greenhouses!
We ran out of egg cartons for the second greenhouse and improvised with some leftover dixie cups from making crafts. If it's getting down below freezing at night, I plan on throwing a picnic blanket on them or bring them inside temporarily.